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How it works


To be updated with the current happenings around you and in your neighborhood is something that is never to be underestimated.

As the above shouldn’t be underestimated, So is getting equipped with the latest technology information,21st century skills, a marketplace to post and upload your items for sale and an avenue to network and affiliate with one another.

On Anchor, Our primary duty is to ensure that everyone that signs up on our brand gets back value for their time spent on our website either financially or non-financially.

Below states the ways in details of how our website works and how we effectively carry out activities


On the affiliate set up, below are the informations on how to you can network,connect,learn and also earn a living from the comfort of your home through the affiliate set up.

*Registration fee is set at 6$ for silver users and 8.5$ for pro users, this is a one time registration fee without any other added charges.

*Sales commission on affiliates is 5.2$.

*First level spillover on sales commission is 0.4$.

*Second level spillover on sales is 0.2$.

*Daily ACH cash earnings is between 1.2$ ACH CASH-1.5 $ ACH CASH.

*Tiktok video contents between 1.5$ -  $5 if approved to have won.

*Male and Female face of the week(Contest) is 30$ for first and 20$ for the first runner up.

*Monthly Entrepreneur Start up capital is 100$ for qualified users with reasonable ideas.

*Incentives are given to at various levels.

*Uploads and sales on marketplace is available to everyone once qualified.

*Squid Game challenge is 50$ for the last man standing.

*Skills/Courses are available to everyone


This set up strictly deals with the ability to network and affiliate
In here, everyone is registered under a team and is expected to affiliate their team through their affiliate links

At every completion of a team set up, the completed team member gets rewarded and paid directly into his bank account


On Anchor, Users can upload and also make sales from things uploaded on our website


1. Ebooks Upload: You can simply write and upload any ebook of your type from the comforts of your home on our website and get it promoted to various users and site visitors for your sales of ebook to be completed.


2. Other items for sales: Every other legitimate item for sale can be posted on our website and buyers that visits daily can patronize the advertisers: With your ACH CASH or your sales commission earnings you can appropriately upload various items for sales on our website.
Various individuals can however patronize and in turn you can make profits from the comfort of your home


On Anchor, Our number 1 priority is ensuring that the present day skills are passed down to various individuals that signs up for our brands.


Users can easily access their skills courses from anywhere and anytime
To Qualify for any of our skills classes, you’ll need to hit the required number of ACH CASH Earnings for it , Once it’s attained, users can freely learn an advanced course and can get it learnt from experts in the system

Kindly note that our $ to N rate is fixed at N1000 irrespective of the changes in the general market.

Also note that before a skill can be learnt or registered for, you must meet the minimum required amount for the skills to be obtained and learnt.